Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blogtoberfest Day #10 - A glamorous life!

Well, no not really!
Even though I've been very productive and creative over the past week, today has not been anything near creative!

My little man (9 months old) has had a husky cough and a runny nose over the past few days, and it's just not going! So today I decided to have a day in the house, keep him warm and happy. Bless him, he's feeling so sorry for himself. In the minutes that he forgets about his runny nose, he's a happy chappy and I've been trying to keep him entertained and giving lots of cuddles. We've even had snoozes together on the couch this afternoon!

I have managed to do a few more rows on the granny star project, and I'm happier with the blue now it's in there. Looks like I was worrying for nothing. I'll see if they like it on Christmas day when the present is opened :) (will have to keep my fingers crossed on that one!) I don't know yet how big it needs to be, of I have enough wool to complete it or anything! I'll just keep on going until it looks right, and if that means another trip to the store then so be it!

So, sorry for the yawn-post!
Not much going on here today and I hope there will be more to report soon!

Take care!

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